Transcode Upload/Recorded Files

How to Transcode Uploaded/Recorded Video Files?

The live recorded streaming video files can be easily transcoded at preferred bitrates by following the below simple steps.

  • Go to Recording from the navigation menu.
  • On the Recording page, go to Uploaded Files.
uploaded files
  • Click the highlighted icon on the video file for which you wanted to carry out the Transcoding process.
transcoding uploaded files
  • A dialog box Transcode opens, where click the drop-down menu to select the Preset.
  • After selecting the Preset, click the Transcode button.

Note:  You also have options to create your own Presets but if you are not sure about the Preset values, you can go with the default Preset sets.

set preset for transcoding streaming
  • The transcoding process begins and you’ll get the notification of your transcoding video file. 
transcoding files on Livebox
  • If you click on the video file name, you can get the file’s transcoding details.
transcoding on Livebox

Note:  This process of transcoding videos at multiple bitrates consumes much of your CPU load.

streaming at multiple bitrates
  • Once the Transcoding process for all resolution is completed, you can select the play by mode to view the video file.
Livebox transcoding
  • On selecting Transcoding mode, you can preview the video file along with the transcoding qualities.
transcode recording sources

You have successfully transcoded video files at multiple bitrates.