How to Conduct a Ping Test?

A ping is a tool that tests your server network connectivity or the time it takes to send and receive a packet of data between your server and your computer.

To ping your host IP address or domain name,

  •  Go to Network Tools under System from the navigation menu.
viewers report
  • In the Network Tools page, enter your domain name or IP address near Ping and click on the “Check” button.
  • You can also change the number of count, TTL and packet size by clicking on the gear icon

Note:  In the case, if you are not sure about these settings, please go with the given default settings.

ping test
  • Your server ping results will be shown below. If there is no reply then there is no network connectivity between your server and the computer.
ping status on Livebox server

By following these steps you can test your server ping results.