Create IPTV Mobile App using the APK Builder

How to Create an IPTV Mobile App for the Livebox TV Station Set-up?

With the APK Builder provided by Livebox, you can create mobile apps for your IPTV set-up and even for the viewers to view all the live streams you can create a single-page app to stay updated with your live streams right from their mobile devices.

To create a mobile app for your IPTV set-up,

  • Install and open the APK builder app.
  • If you want to create an app for your IPTV broadcasts, then click “Create an App” under Livebox TV.
  • In the App Creation Form, give the app name, display name, and app description. 

Note:  In App Name, there shouldn’t be any space or special characters given.

  • In the Server URL, the app creation form will automatically read your server URL and display it on the bar.
  • Then browse and set your app icon and logo.
  • Then finally click on the “Generate App.”
  • Your app creation process begins and when it says at the end “Click the below button to download APK,” click on the “Download APK.”
  • The app gets downloaded to your PC downloads in the zip file format.
  • Unzip the file, where you can use the Testing.apk to test the app on your device and Release.apk to upload your app to the play store.
Apk Builder

Creating a mobile app with Livebox is easy and only a few steps process where you can develop a mobile by yourself.