User & Roles

How to Create Livebox Users and Roles?

Client Sub-users

Create sub-users/admins to manage or access the Livebox features and apps.

The roles are as follows,

  • Client Portal Role for Restream, Website, File Upload and Video conferencing access.
  • Apps Feature Access for Device Monitor and Autostream access.
  • Admin Role for Livebox server access.
  • API Role for Live Streaming Video conferencing API access.

To get the Livebox subscription, go to, 

Client Portal Role

  • Select whichever access & permission you want to give the sub-user and create a Client Portal role. 
  • Next, create the user details.
  • Then pass on the link to the client portal page along with the login credentials.

And here’s your video help!

Apps Feature Access Role

  • Create a role for your user to get access to Livebox devices (Receiver, HD & SD Encoders, and Converter) and the Autostream feature. 
  • Next, create a user for the role.
  • Then pass on the link to the Device Monitoring and Autostream pages along with the login credentials.

And here’s your video help!

Livebox Admin Role

  • Create an admin role with all necessary permissions and access for the sub-admin.
  • Next, create a user for the role.
  • Then pass on the link to the Livebox server along with the login credentials.

And here’s your video help!

Live Streaming & Video Conferencing API

  • Create an API Access role and add a user.
  • Then pass on the username, Password, Server Secret Key, Native App Key, and also Production URL and Development URL (for confirmation purposes) to your customer.
  • Also, send the link to the Livebox page ( for API documentation.

Note:  The Production mode is secure one when compared to the Testing Mode. So you can select Testing Mode when in the case of any testing purpose otherwise, it is preferable to select the Production Mode.

  • Development URL– you can enter the domain URL of the customer’s local host i.e, the domain from where the app is generated.

  • Production URL– you can enter the URL of the domain to where the customer prefers to move the production app.

And here’s your video help!