Free SSL Certificate

How to Generate a Free SSL certificate?

Secure Socket Layer certificates are digital files which provide privacy and security for your both domain and user’s personal information. On installing an SSL certificate to your domain, the protocol HTTP will change to HTTPS, so that it makes your domain's communications between a website and an internal browser encrypted and secure. In the Livebox streaming server, you can generate your SSL certificates cost-free within a few steps.

Note: Renew your SSL certificates every 12 months.

  • The domain with no SSL certificate encryption is those with the “Not secure” indication on the URL tab. 
ssl encryption

In order to secure your domain, you have to generate an SSL certificate and encrypt your domain.

To ENABLE your SSL certificate for FREE, 

  • Click Settings from the navigation menu.
  • Under settings, click Security and a Privacy Settings page opens.
  • On the Privacy Settings page, go to the SSL Certificates page.
SSL Certificate on Livebox
  • Near the SSL certificate mapped on option, you click the plus icon to select the domain to which you want to enable SSL certificate encryption.
Livebox ssl encryption
  • Once you click the plus icon, a dialog box Free SSL Certificate Form opens.
  • Select the domain to which you want to encrypt the SSL certificate. 
  • Mention your mail ID and then click the Secure this website button.
SSL encryption on Livebox

SSL certificate for your domain will be  enabled within a few seconds. 

In case you want to add any NEW domain of yours,

  • Near the New domain name, enter your new domain name. (only a valid domain or a domain purchased from the domain name registrar should be entered)
  • Mention your mail ID and then click the Secure this website button.
ssl certification

Now your new domain will be added as well as encrypted. 

  • Now back on the SSL certificate page, click the highlighted icon to mark your domain as the default server. (this is optional only in the case of making the encrypted domain as the default server)
ssl encryption free
  • Once after setting your domain as the default server, you can see your new domain name being replaced in all the places where the previous domain name existed.
free ssl encryption

And if you want to RENEW your server’s SSL certificate,

  • Select your domain that needs SSL certificate renewal. 
  • Then click the renew icon.
free ssl encryption on Livebox
  • Enter your mail ID, and click on the Renew SSL Certificate button to renew your SSL certificate.
SSL certification process

The SSL certificate of your domain will be renewed within a few seconds. 

  • And on the URL bar of your Livebox server, you can now see that it is HTTPS encrypted.
encrypted server
  • You can even click the lock icon to get more information about your domain’s SSL certificate.
  • And if you click on the “Certificate”you can get your certificate information as well.
free ssl certification
SSL certificate

Note: If your domain still shows the status Not secure, then go to Service Monitor and restart your services.

free encryption
ssl certificate option on Livebox

By following these steps you can encrypt your server cost-free.