Load balancer & Live Viewers Setup

How to Set up Load Balancer/Live Viewers Server?

Load Balancer

To avoid network traffic, the newest Autoscaler from Livebox helps to set up load balancers to efficiently distribute contents across a group of backend servers otherwise, known as a server farm or server pool.

Livebox Autoscaler

So after installing your load balancer server, 

  • Click the ‘Add Origin and Edge Servers’ button to complete the setup process.
add edge servers and orgin servers

Step 1

  • Select the installed server. 
  • The origin server that you have allocated for the selected server gets shown under “Origin Server Data.”
  • Leave the ‘Channel Creation’ option as ON.
  • You can go on with the given default ‘Channel Details.’
  • Then click the “Create button.”

Note:   You can turn on and set up transcoding for your origin server channel according to your preference.

Step 2

  • Then enter your edge servers, i.e., the servers you are going to set up to share the origin server’s load.   
  • The channel creation option should be left “On” here too.
  • If you have turned on Transcoding in the previous step 1, then the Multi bitrate will be automatically turned on in step 2.
  • Then select the push/pull option and click the “Generate Stream URL” button to generate bulk RTMP URLs.
  • And click the “Create” button. 
edge servers
  • Under “Live Viewers Data,” let it be Off if you don’t want to set up the Live Viewers servers. 
  • Then finally “Save” the settings.
live viewers

Live Viewers

To monitor the Live Viewer count of your multiple servers, you can install the Live Viewers setup provided by Livebox Autoscaler.

You’ll be setting up a common server (Live Viewers server) for all your other servers to detect the number of live viewers of your live streaming.

  • Under “Live Viewers Data,” select the On option and enter your domain name. 
  • Give “Update” and finally “Save” the settings.